Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pedantic Asshole Seeks Audience

Hi, I'm Walt. This is a blog about "men's issues," mostly pertaining to dealing with the opposite sex. Before we begin, a bit of scripture (no this isn't a religious blog, put your spaghetti monsters away):

"These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage." - Jude 1:16

Basically what the Bible is saying there is that I'm full of shit, and on an ego trip. And I want you to know that right away. I am by no means any sort of expert. I make no claims that I'm even all that good with women. What I do have is experience and perspective. A coach or a teacher doesn't necessarily have to be great at what they teach, they have to be able to identify and correct problems in technique. And as you see at the top of the page here, I believe some mistakes are being made.

What this blog is...

The main thing I'll be discussing here, at least at first, is the false pretenses most men have ingrained into their mind. Whether you're a "nice" guy or a total tool, you most likely have the wrong idea about how a great majority of women like to/expect to be treated. This is not a system or program or method. There are a million people ready to give you step by step instructions on becoming a man with a bajillion notches in his belt. I am not that guy. I've read, watched, and listened, to a great deal of that stuff, and I don't think you need it. Get it out of your head right now that interacting with a woman is a game, a hunt, or a test. When you met your best friend, did you worry about if you came off strong or needy? Hell no. Why is finding your most intimate friend that you're willing to get totally naked in front of any different?

So here's my (possibly futile) attempt to change your mind. At best, you'll become a relationship ninja. At worst, you wasted some time and had a debate with a smug know-it-all.


Anonymous said...

Step 1: Make them laugh.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

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